Here I share with you FOR FREE some very special informations about receiving legaly in a very short peroid of time a lot of money !
The only thing you need to do is to read the informations on this website carefully and follow the recommendation propperly.
I receiceived this informations as a letter by email and that time I was very sceptical. But after some days I did what it said.
Maybe you felt same when you received my invitation to visit this website
with all the informations about your F I N A N C I A L I N D E P E N D E N C E by receiving Cryptocurrency.
Anyway now you are here and this is already the first step for you to receive quickly a lot of money by Cryptocurrency.
Alan Humphries, Leiceter
"What an amazing plan !
Just 3 weeks ago I followed your plan, although I haven't made 10 thousand yet, I am happy about the 6.135,-- USD so far.
I am absolutely blown away."

Lisa Mc Donald, Northampton
This came from Lisa.
"I don't know what to say ...THANK YOU... SO MUCH ... SOMUCH ...THANK YOU ! I sent 40 of these emails and then, just forgot about it. If I have to be honest, I didn't really believe in the whole thing. But, when I checked my Crypto Wallet a week later, there were more than 3.000,-- USD in it ! After 30 days, I now have over 11.000,-- USD ! I can't thank you enough !"

Richard Barrie, Cirencester
"I was horrified to see how much money was flowing into my Crypto Wallet. Within 3 weeks my account has gone up to 7.449,-- USD. At first I thought some kind of misposting had happened !"


Just keep your Crypto in your Wallet until you want to use them.
Because the total Amount of all Cryptocurrencies everywehere are limited I'm very sure their Value will increase sooner or later anyway.

Another opportunity is to use your Cryptocurrency directly for your daily needs and simple convert them into any Currency you want to spend. You can also transfer them to your Crypto Debitcard and withdraw cash from any ATM in any Country and Currency.

Last but not least you can invest or trade your Cryptocurrency. There are many options to sell them and to buy new for less than you sold them. Doesn't matter if you do it by day trading or a long term investment.
Hello and please take time to read the following information carefully !
I did it already and I joined the system already after I've read the following information. It's a vallue ! ;-)
Just take some minutes to read and you will understand it immediately.
After that take a few minutes more and join to receive daily available money like I did already and still do !
Info begin :
"I was very surprised, positive surprised, but very surprised, when I saw all this money in my Bitcoin / Tron ( TRX ) Wallet !"
I made more than 16.000,-- USD from just 5 Bucks within the first 30 days.
Right now I'm going to share this with you for free !
If you decide to follow the instructions and to do the necessary steps, you will GUARANTEEDLY enjoy a similar return !
Please be open minded. At least imagine and think about It's possible. Otherwise very soon you throw away more than 10.000,-- USD cash !
This system has been working for over 3 years, thousands of people have already participated and they have been surprised by the results in no time and with only 5 USD !
You will be too !
I lost my job in August 2017 along with a few other employees of the printing company I worked for.
At that time I was living way beyond my means and was in serious debt. Losing my job set off a chain reaction and I lost my car and house. As you can probably imagine, my prospects looked more than bleak.
Then in March of 2018, I received a short and simple email explaining me how to earn over 10,000 USD and much more. I ignored the message. Simply put " I was skeptical". However, I did not delete this email because I then thought to myself that there was something to this.
It went through my mind for days, even weeks, whether it could be possible to earn such a high sum in such a short time. In the meantime, my debts grew higher and higher, and I had actually reached the point of despair.
I finally realized that I had absolutely nothing to lose by following this plan that was offered to me with this email. Besides that, I didn't have much prospects left for the future anyway. So I figured I had to do something. What if it really works?
Consequently, I put my doubts aside and I took the step and followed the simple instructions given to me in that email. It took less than 30 minutes to complete and it cost me a paltry 5 USD.
The consequences were overwhelming !!! At the end of 2018 I was able to spend a vacation in Miami with my family and I bought a brand new Audi A8. In the fall of 2019, I bought a single family home for a little less than $170.000,-- USD. The best part, I didn't owe a dime, to anyone.
So far I have earned over $492.718,--. My accountant has set up a cash flow. He predicts that I will become a millionaire within the next 24 months with just this business plan. Even now, as I write this, I find it strange how my life has turned out so favorably lately.
I worked hard and struggled like most people. Then something so ridiculously simple falls into my lap like a drop and completely turns my life around. When I think back to all the similar emails I had just deleted before, I get goosebumps because now I know it works.
Alright, if you continue now you will learn how it can work !
This business plan that I am about to share with you can be implemented in a very short time. I have never implemented less than 10.000,-- USD in any opportunity offered.
Let me assure you that this is a LEGALLY PERMITTED BUSINESS and an impeccable money making venture. You don't need to sell anything. It does not require you to talk to your friends or family (unless you wish to).
In fact, you don't even need to contact other people. Anyone with an impulse can become successful and build a fortune with this system. If you believe that every dog has its day, then follow the simple, step-by-step plan that is now described.
If you do just this alone, I GUARANTEE that you will receive over 10.000,-- USD in cash into your Bitcoin / Tron ( TRX ) Wallet within the following 30 days. I know it must sound unbelievable to you, especially if you have never been in possession of such a sum before. But believe me, this deal works like nothing you have seen in your life so far.
With this following simple 3 step plan, your life will change dramatically within a few weeks.
Please don't let your skepticism get in the way of your financial success.
Life is short, and no one is stopping you from having the financial freedom to do what you want to do. But you have to pay the price first. The price here is to implement the following and take action.
It is so simple! I am proud to say that I have done my duty to my wife and children by securing their future in a very uncertain world. I believe that no price is too high for this financial freedom.
This is the MOST PRICELESS, the FASTEST and EASIEST way to make money online - DOT OUT !!!!
There are a lot of companies out there that go out of their way to make money. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and tell you now how to get started IMMEDIATELY.
Remember : I am not asking you to send me a single cent for this lucrative business. Also, you will not be asked to buy anything or sacrifice your free time. You will quickly and easily earn cash with just one copy of this text and the easiest as well as most popular internet payment system !
You may have seen about this project on TV on the 2 20/20 or Oprah Winfrey shows. You may have also read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is. Detailed and step-by-step. This program is not new by any means. It exists in many forms and has existed for several decades.
But in the early days it required much more time and effort, as well as an expense of several hundred USD. However, thanks to Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and the Internet, the expense is now virtually ZERO ! In addition, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has ever been AT ALL !
If you already have a main business, leave it at that. You can also do this on the side. If not, this is the FASTEST and EASIEST way in the history of the internet to make a lot of money online. I guarantee that you have never seen anything like this before !
This program works no matter what country you are in or what currency you have there. It doesn't matter how old or how young you are. You undoubtedly do not need any special knowledge or talent. You don't need to run a website, answer phone calls, make photocopies, send letters through the mail, advertise, etc....
The only things you need are : an email address, a Bitcoin ( BTC ) wallet and / or a Tron ( TRX ) wallet with 5 USD in it and 30 minutes of your time.
Currently the transfer fee for BTC and ETH is too expensive because they charge $25 and more to send even only $1.
So it's better to send Tron ( TRX ) because currently the average transaction fee is a fraction of a cent.
Tron ( TRX ) has a huge potential to grow and it's already very well known in the Crypto Community. I use it also for some other business but sometimes I exchange it into Bitcoin ( BTC ).
I just start talking about Bitcoin ( BTC ) because it's the first and most popular Cryptocurrency. Nearly everybody knows Bitcoin ( BTC ). Further on I will only use Tron ( TRX ) for this system here !
This program takes half an hour to run. After it is started, you will not have the slightest work with it.
Still, there are several thousands to be earned. Within the next few weeks, you will make an incredible profit from these 30 minutes of simple work !
Yes I know, it sounds too good to be true ! I thought exactly the same as you now, until I convinced myself otherwise !
You have absolutely NOTHING to lose and there is no limit to the amount you can earn with this !
The fact is : you will never make money FASTER, PRICIER and LUKRATIVE again.
Please take your time and read everything ! If you don't have time now then keep this email in your mailbox and come back to it later.
All you need is a bitcoin wallet and an email address !
You can get an email address for free at GMX, Googlemail or mail.com.
Everyone has heard of Cryptocurrency (if not you will soon) and when I got this concept I knew it would work, as a user of some different Cryptocurrencies I already had experience with payments in the wallet.
It is the easiest and safest method you have ever seen to receive payments online.
Anyone with an email address can set up a Tron ( TRX ) wallet for FREE. (e.g. at binance.com or YoBit.Net ).
Once you have a Tron ( TRX ) Wallet, you can send and receive Tron ( TRX ) anywhere in the world !
Please be sure to read on. If you take this half hour you will never forget this day for the rest of your life.
HERE IS A PROOF FROM 3 participants who decided to invest only 5 USD and half an hour :
"What an amazing plan !
Just 3 weeks ago I followed your plan, although I haven't made 10 thousand yet, I am happy about the 6.135,-- USD so far. I am absolutely blown away."
Alan Humphries, Leicester
This came from Lisa. "I don't know what to say ...THANK YOU...SO MUCH ....SOMUCH....THANK YOU ! I sent 40 of these emails and then, just forgot about it. If I have to be honest, I didn't really believe in the whole thing. But when I checked my Tron ( TRX ) wallet a week later, there were more than 3.000,-- USD in it ! After 30 days, I now have over 11.000,-- USD ! I can't thank you enough !"
Lisa McDonald, Northampton
"I was horrified to see how much money was flowing into my Tron ( TRX ) Wallet. Within 3 weeks my account has gone up to 7.449,-- USD. At first I thought some kind of misposting had happened !"
Richard Barrie, Cirencester
Just a few months ago, some people did the same thing as you are doing right now. Because they decided to follow these simple instructions. They are considerably better off. There is not a single reason why you can not share in this success. You have nothing to lose, but EVERYTHING to gain !
Let's get started, just follow the instructions as outlined below and then get ready for a VERY BIG cash inflow in the next 30 days !
Here is what you need to do...
O.K., if you don't already have a Tron ( TRX ) Wallet, the very first thing you need to do is open one for free. It takes just 2 minutes !
It is a law of the universe that we have to give first to receive.
The first thing to do accordingly when you have your Tron ( TRX ),
send 5 USD worth of Tron ( TRX ) from your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet to the FIRST Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address in the list.
As the purpose of payment write : "Please add me to your mail list."
Be sure to include this intended use, as this wording LEGALLY AUTHORIZES the PROGRAM.
It is so easy !
If you send your payment from 5 USD to the first address in the list, do it with a big smile on your face because:
"As you sow, so you reap !"
Here is the current list of Tron ( TRX ) Wallets :
1. TS1mYmXhrWFjnnRdDMJdLVyQDq82CV4Q87
2. TJGKMfvMLs3B2b3QNJicfsBFLjsDr447vy
3. TJfC8UqjQBeis6o2W5fimudGRN9PgD6xjS
4. TN6ytGAuxikXPACJEjqjSekhRfNi2uUxQ6
5. THwiVWDPjgwZZFtHtWFnhhZwAWfW7z9Ucg
After you made a payment of 5 USD to the Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address to the first of the list, something uncanny will happen. It gives you an indescribable, overwhelming kind of security, a belief and conviction in the system.
You have just proven to yourself that it works. Because YOU did it, there must be many other people who are willing to do exactly the same thing.
Now you have experienced it first hand that this business really works !
Once you have sent a payment of 5 USD to the first Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address of the list together with the purpose ( "Please add me to your mailing list." ), you still need to do the following final thing. ( This is VERY IMPORTANT !!! )
Copy the text of this page and send it to 40 people. Keep the number 40 in mind, 40 is a good number of people to reach easily. Through the Internet, hundreds and even thousands could spring from under you. ( You can also advertise this text or integrate it into your own web page as I did. )
The copy you send out contains YOUR Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address at position #5 in the list. Delete the address at #1 from the list and move the others up one position.
The best way to send this letter now is simply to mark everything and then copy it with the right mouse button. Then paste the text into the email or messenger text field that you are now sending to 40 different people.
Tips and tricks for sending spam free email can be found at http://mailing.active.ws/ Or you can create your own free website with the copy. There are many free websites you can build on the net. For example, 2 good ones are https://www.geocities.com or https://www.wix.com/ . Both of these, are easy to use. (change the source text)
But of course you can also send it by any messenger service to your contacts there. Just copy and paste to send it.
Then place ads on classifieds sites. e.g. on DHD24 or PaperCity. Market your site via Google Adwords a good description can be found here.
Send a blank email to werbenetz@werbe1x1.de and learn even more about online marketing.
There are countless ways to reach multiple people and have them participate in this amazing program.
Do not be tempted to add your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address to position 1 to acquire money quickly ! It does not work like that ! If you do that, you will reach ONLY the people you directly contact and then your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address will be immediately removed from the No.1 position and you will not reach thousands of people ! But, if you add your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address to the No. 5 position, it will result in literally 10 thousands of people receiving or sending your letter. At this point your name is at the No.1 spot !!!!
Once your mails are ready, send a minimum of 40 copies of this letter.
By sending this letter and payment via their bitcoin wallet address the response time is EXTREMELY short !!!!
That's why it only takes a few days for those 5 USD payments to flood your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet with them !
THAT WAS ALL ! The full process should take about 30 minutes.
Half an hour of this simple work is required.
No main issues, no stamps, no printing, copy, etc. and the concept is 100% approved.
Within 30 days over 10,000 USD into your Bitcoin wallet and that is GUARANTEED. In fact, expect a significant number of 5 USD payments within the first few days ! Keep a copy of your letter so you can use it again whenever you need more money !
Here is exactly how it works:
When you send your mail, your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address is first sent to #5 in the list. This is the best position it can be if you want to make really fat money. The response rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign for a number of reasons which will be explained later.
You can expect a response from about 25% of the people you send this text to. But let's be extremely conservative and assume that you have an average response rate of only 12.5%.
If you send the text to 40 different people, you can expect to reach at least 5 of those people who do exactly what you did.
(12.5% of 40 = out of 5). By this time, your Bitcoin wallet address is at #4 on the list, and this list has now reached 200 people (5 x 40).
Out of those 200 people, you can expect at least 25 to participate (12.5% of 200 = 25), so that another 1,000 texts (25 x 40) sent out and your bitcoin wallet address has risen to #3 in the list.
Out of those 1,000 people, you can expect at least 125 to participate (12.5% of 1,000 = 125), so that another 5,000 texts (125 x 40) that are now sent out with you in the #2 position.
Out of those 5,000 people you can expect at least 625 to respond (12.5% of 5,000 = 625) so that 25,000 texts (625 x 40) sent out with YOUR ADDRESS at the #1 spot!
Now out of those 25,000 people you can expect 3,125 to respond (12.5% of 25,000 = 3,125). And since you are now at #1 in the list, you will receive : 15.625,00 USD (3.125 x 5 USD)
If your bitcoin wallet starts to reach the position of No.1 within the next few days, then within the next 30 days you will be sent money by a few thousand people just like you sent your 5 USD.
Those who are willing to invest half an hour are ready to receive around 10,000 USD or more.
In the next few days you will receive about 100 payments per day for about 30 days. After that, the volume of payments will start to decrease while your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet address will vacate the #1 position.
That's all you need to do ! It's around 10,000 USD of 5 USD payments that you can expect in your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet within the next few weeks. Approximately 10,000 USD for a job of just 30 minutes! This is real money that you can spend on anything you want!
You can store all the money in your Tron ( TRX ) Wallet, or transfer it from there to your bank account.
Isn't that worth half an hour !!? I think so.
Remember ! The 12.5% example above assumes that 35 out of 40 people will ignore your text. However, if you follow the plan correctly and send your text to the people who are likely to participate, you can expect about 25%.
Thus, the example 12.5% is given only as the worst case. Furthermore, the example is based on each participant sending only 40 texts. Imagine what would happen if each subscriber sends 1,000 texts instead of only 40 ! Believe me, many people do this and send many more !
Consider this ! Millions of people surf the Internet every single day, worldwide! 50,000 new Internet registrations every month ! The people who send you offers by e-mail are an excellent source to send back. You can also send the text to your family, friends and to anyone.
Invest 5 USD and 30 minutes of your time, but get a significant amount within a month.
If you want to keep this business running uninterrupted, consider bulk lists of email addresses from a quality mailing list company. This is how I managed to stay in business for the last 2 years!
There are many websites that sell thousands of people's fresh email addresses, for example, visit:
MLM Extreme
Unlike many other MLM programs, this 5 LEVEL PROGRAM costs you only 5 USD. That's right, only 5 USD ONCE, which is much more realistic and achieves much faster results. Only the first person on the list will receive your gift of 5 USD, but everyone on the list will rise to that #1 position.
Remember ! You only need to send 40 copies of this letter to get started. 40 emails/messages are enough to receive a significant amount within 30 days.
Send them e.g. to personal contacts and in response to people who send you their programs as they already work on the net. They know that these programs work and are already convinced of these systems ! This is NOT considered spam if you respond to people's offers, or send to friends, family or contacts if you use a legitimate post list.
So send your copies of this letter now and prepare for a very large influx of cash within the following 30 days !!!
4 factors that make this program so successful:
Most email marketing campaigns have an average of 0.5% to 5%. However, this particular program usually generates a response rate of 20% and 30%.
Why ? Because this program is so easy to start, it costs almost nothing, it takes just 30 minutes, and the results can be seen within the first few days.
I have been watching this type of MLM program for years and this is the easiest and fastest that exists. No stamps, no envelopes, no printing, no copies - just a little effort and a belief !!!! This program really keeps it "short and simple" !
UNLIMITED income potential !
This program is structured for everyone and only needs to be sent out 40 times. However, do not set a 40 as a limit. Send this letter as many times as you wish. Every 40 letters sent will have a return of approximately 10,000 USD AT LEAST WITHIN 30 days.
So if you can send 50 letters by email or 100 or whatever number and however else, do it ! However, remember that sneaking your name to higher level of the list does NOT get the result. Remember the people before you have made the effort and deserve to be in their respective places. So follow the guidelines, be honest and the money will come to you.
Maybe you are still skeptical, just like I was and you are thinking if it really works. Everything that is going through your mind now, I have been through and I know the feeling. But let's be honest. I thought at the time, what do I really have to lose ?
30 minutes and 5 USD. Isn't that ridiculous ?
I am today more than happy that I have invested it. But please follow the guidelines !!!
This program costs no more than 5 USD and half an hour of your time. If everyone follows the guidelines, everyone wins !
So here it is. You now have the knowledge that will allow you to earn more than $10,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back now is a lack of faith or a lack of self-belief. Any doubts you may have at the moment will disappear within a few days of putting this plan into practice. Trust me ! You will undoubtedly enjoy it then.
So brew yourself a nice cup of tea and start implementing what started here a long time ago. After all, you can't lose anything but you are about to gain a lot in the next few weeks !
Thank you, and good luck.
To download the text above as a .txt file click here.
YoBit.NetFree Wallet for BTC, TRX etc.
YoBit.Net gives you a free Wallet for your Bitcoins, Tron and many other Crypto Currencies. Click here to join them !
Klever AppTrading App with free BTC and free TRX Wallet
With the Klever App you get a free Wallet for all your Cryptocurrencies and you can also trade them.
Crypto Trading, free Wallets
Binance is one of three very popular trading platforms for BTC, TRX and other Crypto Currencies. Here you have also an free Wallet.